Stories Of Storage: an audio zine

A display of text work, process map, and cassette tapes at The Notice Board in October 2023.

The Aimless Archive curated The Stacks 2. Intermittence – an exhibition by Matt Fratson at Hull Central Library.

MISSIVES #1 – Now In Progress

A series of durational, collaborative performances to evaluate conversations had during ‘Tangier – Madrid Suitcase’.

Between August 2022 and December 2022 – The Aimless Archive was visiting HU3 in Hull – commissioned by Three Ways East to respond to the postcode and produce something for the 3rd edition of the community newspaper Encylopedia Of Us. The working title and question ‘Where Are You Keeping Me?’ was used as a poetic stimulus. Where are the things we love being kept? Are they at risk? What systems do we put in place in order to keep these things safe?

ULTERIORS – Installation at LAUNCH – the 2022 Degree Show at Hull College

ULTERIORS presented work in a few local locations as part of LAUNCH, the Hull College Degree Show in June 2022. The work attempts to make relationships visible and prompts visitors to dig a little deeper – if they wish to. There is a focus on places that are not art galleries.
Work exists in these locations – J.E. Books, Hepworth’s Arcade, Hull / Woodend, Reception Area, Scarborough / Makerspace, Hull Central Library, Hull / Hull College Library, Queens Gardens, Hull

**Tangier – Madrid Suitcase was a live archiving performance that took place at HARI (Hull Artist Research Initiative) from 25th Oct to 29th Oct 2021.  The Aimless Archive worked in the space from 09:00 to 18:00 archiving material that had been collected from a trip to Tangier and Madrid in 2018 and a second trip to Madrid in 2019